Talk Session: The Creative and Interpretive Potential of Digital Mapping

I would like to lead a discussion on why we use digital maps. I will share some of the ways that I am using maps in my research, specifically by creating a collaborative and interactive activity that employs Google Maps to augment and mediate our experience at THATcamp on the UAB campus.

As teachers and researchers, I want to discuss the affordances and constraints of map assignments. Have you tried group work, collaborative, or “crowd-sourcing” activities with students? If so, please share your tips and tricks. I envision this session as one in which we share examples, questions, and possible uses of digital maps and mapping tools. Since pedagogy should drive the use of technology, greater emphasis is given to “why” we might use maps than “how” to map complex data sets.

I’d love to hear from anyone interested in the technical and interpretative potential of mapping personal, literary, or historical spaces.

Categories: Collaboration, Mapping, Session Proposals, Session: Talk, Teaching, Visualization |

About Pearce Durst

My areas of research include rhetorical studies, multimodal composition, and digital literacy. My research centers on the changing dynamics of composition studies, and particularly how the affordances of digital technology influence the form and content of writing.