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Dana Chandler

- University Archivist
- Tuskegee University
- Website:
Dana Chandler has worked in a variety of capacities within both the private and public sectors. A trained surveyor, civil engineer and project manager, he has helped to design and build projects throughout the South and nation. In later years, Chandler has worked specifically with corporations seeking to start up recycling facilities in the U.S. and Latin America. He has also helped with a number of archaeological digs and surveys in the U.S., Mexico and Belize. A trained archivist and historian, receiving his graduate degree from Auburn University, Chandler now works as the University Archivist. During his time at Tuskegee University, he has had the opportunity to restore the archives to a position of respectability and usefulness. Prior to his tenure, the archives had been closed to use by researchers for several years. Within two years of his hire, the archives was in a position to open for use by researchers. This has permitted an influx of researchers from around the world to visit the archives in search of the interesting materials that are held within its collections. During the last six years, the archives as had over a thousand visitors. Of those, he has had several from abroad, of which seven have been directly helped with their dissertations and theses. Currently he is the lead archaeologist for “The Ridge: A Macon County Archaeological Project.” Occurring over three seasons, the project has concentrated on a site at Warrior Stand, Macon County Alabama. The project has utilized students from Tuskegee University in an attempt to determine the early history of the area.