talk – THATCamp Alabama 2014 September 5-6, 2014 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:57:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Talk Session: THAT Spatial Turn Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:48:42 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

The Spatial Turn continues to transform understandings of space and human activity in many contexts, from broad strokes to nuances. Mapping and visualization tools facilitate the analysis of movement and phenomena in two and three dimensions, and from many perspectives, while innovations in teaching and technology make spatial concerns accessible to students and to (some) sectors of the public. In many cases, though, space is not problematized. As the Spatial Turn and the Spatial Humanities forge new frontiers, let’s consider these and other issues:
• Considering the diverse U.S. populace, should we introduce alternate philosophies/mapping traditions outside of European traditions?
• How do language, philosophy, and space intersect, and how can these phenomena be mapped? (In my own work, the Yucatec Maya language features deicitic time in which cyclical time is stressed at the expense of sequential time, and this affects notions of movement; some settlements in the Southwest U.S.-West Mexico are planned to be intervisible and interaudible–how can these phenomena be expressed visually?
• How can the ideas of theoreticians of space–W. Benjamin, Foucault, Bourdieu, Deleuze, J. Butler–be expressed visually?
• Share your success (or non-success) stories about spatiality and mapping in your teaching and research.

Guachimontones, Teuchitlan, Jalisco, Mexico, ca. 600 CE

Guachimontones, Teuchitlan, Jalisco, Mexico, ca. 600 CE. Round pyramids were intervisible at sites in the Teuchitlan archaeological tradition.

Talk-Make Crash Course: Intellectual Property and Using Images for Classes, Blogs, and Websites Sat, 30 Aug 2014 01:08:08 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Photographs, drawings, and videos can enhance your digital persona. Unless these images and media are personal, though, this intellectual property should be copyright free or available to use with attribution (contrary to popular belief and usage, ArtStor images do not automatically fit these categories). I will present museum and other types of web sites that offer images to use with no attribution or just a line of attribution. After you choose some images from these sites, I will introduce Animoto (a video slideshow with sound) and ThingLink (to make images interactive)–you can use them in classes and embed them on blogs and web sites.
Note: Register on Animoto and ThingLink before THATCamp; sometimes the work goes faster if you have your images on a Goggle Drive

Proposal for Talk Session: Where does Alabama stand in digital education? Wed, 27 Aug 2014 20:00:12 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Wade Kwon

Alabama has great potential when it comes to education, but lags behind other states in execution and results. What should we do right now to improve digital access to classes and instructors? What should we stop doing?

Consultant Wade Kwon leads the discussion that will generate ideas, debate and questions for our future. Join in and help to build the state’s educational roadmap.

  • What digital resources do educators have to reach more students?
  • What areas should policy makers focus on in the next 3 years to improve digital outreach?
  • What types of professional development are needed to help educators with digital learning?
  • What are the most effective digital education programs in other states?
  • What should Alabama stop doing in digital education?